I'll always consider you a teacher

I would like to thank u/worthlessruined for sending this kind and supportive comment right before deleting their account. I have no idea who this is, but it seems they took my post a bit personal.

"men call women emotional and hysterical, over sensitive and crybabies. call us unintelligent and irrational because of it, use it to gaslight us. institutionalized and lobotomized us for reacting to a horrific society with rightful hysteria.

men created the stigma against showing emotions themselves, while they were oppressing women. they constantly use women’s emotions against them, constantly manipulate them and then throw everything back in their face.

but god forbid a woman ever does it back to a man. then it becomes the reason he oppressed her in the first place. how dare she not react positively to every single emotion he displays.

your last post was saying you wouldn’t be anyone’s sugar daddy, in a situation where no one asked for that. you need to get off whatever andrew tate or adjacent material about men being oppressed you’re consuming. it’s going to ensure you literally die alone"

/r/UnsentLetters Thread