Dustin Browder Confirms the Banning System on Twitter. Enjoy

You really really underestimate how bad people are at this game. If they're walking into a fort over and over ignoring everything on the way then yeah they're probably intentionally feeding. If they're dying to the forts because they keep trying to chase kills then they're probably just low MMR. I've seen SO many toxic people saying gg report the feeder after like 2 deaths which weren't intentional feeding at all. The AVERAGE player is pretty bad at this game so imagine how bad the below average players are! Even players I run into at 3k+ MMR Rank 1 are really bad in a lot of ways. Hell, even some of the pros make ridiculous mistakes especially outside of the top few teams.

And I know that this type of person is protected by this bs of its hard to see if they're doing it intentionally or not since if you know that something will kill you because you already did it like 5 times but keep doing it then you have choose to keep dying by doing it again. This is intention to die and should be reported as feeding doesn't matter how.

Not really sure what you're saying since I'm assuming English isn't your first language, but you have literally ZERO proof that Blizzard or the community is "protecting" any intentional feeders or afkers. At all. If you have proof feel free to show it. INTENTIONAL FEEDING is wrong and everyone agrees with that, but it is extremely difficult to prove intentional feeding versus poor play. If you upload the replay and send it to Blizz support in a ticket and say hey this guy is intentionally feeding, here's proof, please look into it then they probably will. If you write a report post game and say gg this guy fed then you're less likely to get anything done.

I would be willing to bet, especially at lower MMRs, the amount of reports for "feeding" is pretty high since people like to find someone to blame and tend to look at deaths as the sole indicator of guilt.

/r/heroesofthestorm Thread Parent Link - twitter.com