Earth's Furthest Spacecrafts

[If you want to make an apple pie from scratch first you must invent the universe]z(

-Carl Sagan-

Before that it was an asteroid hurtling through space minding it's own business for hundreds of millions of years, when the subtle pulls and nudges of all the other bodies in the system put it into the path of a random plant, in orbit around an average star. Before that it was nebular dust drifting in giant slow wakes until slowly coalescing into bigger amounts eventually, slowly, and often violently over billions of years of formed an asteroid in a stellar system. Before that it was a Super Nova. An actual exploding star. A huge ancient star, millions of times the mass of our Sun, blew up Billions of years ago. Why? Well as the primordial Hydrogen was fused into helium into carbon 12 and oxygen ect. This nuclear fusion keeps going while heavier and heavier elements are created until we hit Iron. Then fusion can no longer be maintained, the Giant star explodes with many billion more times the energy our Sun will produce in it's entire life. Before that it was primordial Hydrogen not iron.

I missed a lot myself but my point is, we are made of star stuff, we are a way for the cosmos to know itself

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