How do I feed a giant man who eats like a teenage boy?

How very dare you say that men are grown adults that don't need either a mommy or mommy-wife to constantly control them.

As a man I find it extremely offensive that you would even imply that I can take care of myself. I am strong, perfectly rational, and definitely the most important gender (and the only one that could be entrusted with nuclear codes).

I didn't get to be that way by surviving starvation when left alone even for a moment! Why if it wasn't for my ability to merely be here while other people fed me who would feed the world?! The people who fed me? What do they know about feeding people?

The very idea!

Big old /s based on the comments here. Or not if you want to donate to my candidacy in some red state I could move to if you could arrange someone to feed me upon my arrival.

/r/EatCheapAndHealthy Thread Parent