Easy veg recommendations and where to get seeds

  1. Most vegetables are pretty easy to grow, if you have grown tomatoes then you'll be fine with growing anything else. Personally I grow a wide variety of different things, and my recommendation would depend on what your own goals and context are. Personally, I grow a lot of tomatoes, peas, courgettes, onions and sweetcorn.
  2. I've found that most of the big seed suppliers are pretty reliable. Real Seeds is my favourite. When to plant will depend on the type of vegetable you're planting, the RHS website has very good "how to grow" sections for each vegetable - just follow the instructions there and you'll be fine.
  3. My recommendation would be to use a no-dig method. In your case, this would involve putting a layer of cardboard over the grass and then covering it with a thick layer of compost. Plant your seedlings directly into the compost (or into a hole in the carboard if they need to be planted deeper). Over time the cardboard will suppress the grass/weeds and they will die, but the cardboard will break down quickly enough that your seedlings will be able to root through it. All you have to do from then on is apply a small layer of compost to the bed once a year.
/r/GardeningUK Thread