You either start making ranked duos/fives or the playrbase will increasingly drop

Sadly OP you're absolutely right.

People can sit on this whiney ass subreddit all day and say PUBG and KOTK are different games, which they are I agree, but you cannot deny since PUBG came out that KOTK player base (and viewer base especially) has seen considerable drop.

That's because PUBG have a patch every week, regularly speak with the community, and the game is evolving much quicker. They have team ranking systems, they had spectate from day 1, they acknowledge bugs quickly and address them in the right way.

I know the games are different, and I personally prefer KOTK myself, but you are a fucking moron if you think that people aren't flocking to PUBG because of how poorly the community is handled by DBG.

Team ranking systems and team based strategy is honestly one of the biggest attractions to PUBG, and until Daybreak pull their socks up and take that seriously they are losing players very quickly whether the community accept that or not.

People don't just want a good game to play, they want to invest their time in a game that has a future, so that they feel their time isn't wasted on a buggy game that will never improve. I personally have played a lot less KOTK recently because I just don't feel the right steps are being made by the team or the community. The subreddit is just full of sarcastic "GG Daybreak" posts and videos of failed shotgun clips, it's become toxic as a result of poor communication from the Daybreak team and it's unfortunately the sign of a dying game.

I'm not surprised Daybreak don't communicate with us - the front page is toxic as fuck even on the best of days. How do you think that makes them feel? Probably like quitting imo.

People who deal with rude customers all day don't tend to enjoy their jobs.

/r/kotk Thread