Why do people downvote posts about finding friends... you just increase the number of lonely people..

It's more difficult to make friends as you grow older, at least in my experience. Especially if you don't work at a huge corporation with a lot of employees. One has approach others themselves to spark a conversation. People often find that creepy. In institutions like schools or colleges it doesn't matter because everyone is acquainting each other.

I don't want a large stable of friends either. I only need three-four people whom I can be intimate with. I'm just trying my chances and socializing because I'm tired of talking to people in real life as I have never found anyone who has the same interests or hobbies like me. I'm not into stuff usual teens like to talk about. Majority of the conversations I have had, both in real life and on the internet were with people 5-50 years older than me. I have even talked to 60 year olds back when I was 13.

I know how it feels. Few people just listen and provide no input themselves. Neither they ask any questions or share their experiences. It feels like I'm talking to a doll. There should be intimacy in every kind of relationship, platonic or romantic. If there isn't, the person is just an acquaintance, not a friend. If you would like to be a friend, I can be one. You can read a bit about me in the recent post on my profile. However, keep in mind that I'm not a quick respondent as I'm not holding my phone 24x7. I switch off the internet connection whenever I don't need it.

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