ELI5: Why are Native people more subject to alcoholism than other ethnic groups?

I agree and would like to also add to your nicely informative point... Alcohol has always been a favorite amongst many groups of people for it's nice effect of "numbing" feelings and suppressing painful memories and thoughts, even for a temporary fleeting time span.

With the enormous profits and demand for the HIGHLY addictive Methamphetamine AND heroin substances...(not to mention the countless other forms of "medications" derived from Opium, etc.) And with their VERY effective physical and mental pain suppression, etc...

Natives not only are battling an alcohol epidemic... but also a very destructive methamphetamine and heroin one as well.

Along with a vast majority of our own countries (USA) once middle-class hard working people... that simply are not accustomed to being poor and are saying "FUCK THIS SHIT." Meth and Heroin use is rising so so much in many of America's suburbs... a huge new market for many drug networks.

Kind of off everyone's point... but I feel that taking those things into account help understand the bigger picture... for why people CHOOSE to self medicate and end up battling very destructive addictions. The line is almost non existent between medicating and addiction.. def a slippery slope so to speak.

These are all just my opinions from my own specific perspective in life.

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