ELI5: Why are stimulants like adderall only therapeutic to people with ADHD, and not recommended for normal people improve performance?

As someone who finally got diagnosed with ADHD in my mid 20s a few months ago, after going through so many antidepressants and the like for anxiety and depression, and only Wellbutrin working at all, it has helped a ton with my anxiety. Instead of sitting there with thoughts cycling and trying to pay attention to everything around me and becoming overwhelmed in public areas, I'm able to block out unwanted thoughts and not try to focus on everything at once. Some days were better than others unmedicated, but most weren't good. Now most of my days are close to the good days, and I can actually begin get on the path to function a bit better. Anxiety can still be an issue, especially in evenings once medication wears off, but it's a start.

Oddly enough Wellbutrin is an antidepressant that usually isn't great for anxiety, same with stimulants. But for my ADHD-ass brain, it and/or Adderall have been the only thing to get my inner monologue to calm the fuck down for once. I'm a lot more present, I think.

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