Please help

Great that you're in therapy, that helps a ton. To get started, you can google "your city AA" and find a list of local meetings. You can't talk too much during a meeting, but before and after is when you can talk to people and get connected. People can refer you to other local resources, or other meetings they like. There are probably people who went to rehab and they can maybe give you a place to go. I recommend rehab. It helped me a lot after years of trying. It doesn't have to be a sleep-away 24/7 program. I did Intensive Outpatient Rehab, which was 12 hours a week.

I've been to bad AA meetings and good meetings. You have to go to several if you want to find a good one. I recommend hiking/outdoor meetings, if you can find one. I bet there is a gay men's group with people who can relate to your story. Again, I've been to meetings I didn't like, but I've also found good ones. Don't let one bad apple ruin your experience. It's open to everyone so there are guaranteed to be some not-so-great people. They are alcoholics, lol. Some people, who are deep in it, can be pretty abrasive. Go in with a thick skin. I've never revealed my full story to a new group, so don't feel like you have to. It's perfectly acceptable to just listen and not share. They might ask you to introduce yourself and how long you've been sober.

Personally, people were clamoring to get to know me in one group. They welcomed me as a new member. We chatted a lot after our meetings. That was not the case in every group. Just letting you know that some AA meetings are great. Again, hiking or outdoor meetings have the best reputation where I live. Maybe it's something about people who wake up early are nicer? It's a mystery.

Personally, I made a lot of connections in rehab. People I hadn't heard from in months reached out to me when they relapsed. You definitely develop bonds with these people. I'm pretty new to AA, but it's a free way to get started and build a sober community. I've already met a lot of people and gotten phone numbers if I ever need to reach out.

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