ELI5: How can people afford to live on minimum wage?

I have earned about $20,000 per year for most of my adult life (I am in my late thirties). Due to being a convicted felon (crime was 15 years ago and totally my stupidity) I am seen as unfit for most jobs so I take what I can get, which has been primarly retail jobs that first time workers take. I have a couple of chronic illnesses that require costly meds and care. I lived on my own for a few years after college until I had to file for bankruptcy because of charging food and car repairs on my credit cards. I faked it until I didn't make it. The last 5 years: I live with my parents, work two jobs most of the time for at the most $11/hour and as little as min wage. I pay $35 a month for my phone, $30 per month for a gym membership, $100-$200 per month on food, $200 per month for student loans (I have a degree that is useless due to my felony and still owe over $16,000 on my loans) and the rest of my money goes to medical, incedentials (soap and shit), car repairs for my 16 year old car and gas (I ride my bike when my car dies). I have never been able to save more than $3,000 in my adult life without some car or medical expense wiping me out. I recently qualified for state medical assistance that I was declined in prior years and it is a HUGE help. I am about to apply for food stamps and living assistance...Not exactly the future I dreamed of. I haven't had a girlfriend or any real friends at all in years, mostly because it's so embarassing when people start asking questions about me and I don't want to lie. I don't do drugs, drink or smoke. Minimum wage life is horrible. The only out I see is seeking more help from the state or government, so now tax payers pay for my past instead of just letting me work the jobs I am potentially qualifed for. I do my best to stay positive. Life goes on no matter what and all I can do I press on and savor the few moments of happiness that do still actually occur.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread