Has anyone here gone no contact with a family member to protect your child?

Not currently but I wouldn't hesitate to.

May end up going low contact with my mother if she tries to force things with her boyfriend. I hate her boyfriend. He's an alcoholic mooch with major issues. When he found out I was pregnant he made some really rude comments about how SO would leave me alone and I'd be a single mother and my mom would end up doing everything and taking care of my baby.

I said some nasty words to him and haven't spoken to.him since. He's done some fucked up shit in the past I've never forgiven him for and that was just the icing on the cake. Some of the shit mom's forgiven him for has really made me.lose respect for her, she'd have left Dad in the drop of a hat for most of it but this drunk piece of shit gets a free pass for treating her like nothing. She needs some fucking self respect. Sorry he pisses me off and I get ranty. ..

Anyways I've decided he will have nothing to do with my son. He's NOT my son's grampy. He's a good enough grampy to his own grandkid but don't care he will never meet my son.

If she ever invites us over for anything and he's there, we will be leaving immediately. I will never go to any sort of occasion to her house if he's there. I've told her this but I don't think she realizes the extent of my hatred for that piece of shit. Basically if she tries that, inviting us and not telling us he's there or something, we will be going low contact. Not no contact, cause I still love her, but we will limit every interaction. She will never take him if there's even a slight chance she'll bring him sound her bf.

So. Not yet but I see it happening in the future. If she wants to pick that loser over her daughter and grandson that's her choice.

/r/BabyBumps Thread