ELI5: How do we know some numbers, like Pi are endless, instead of just a very long number?

No, let me explain what happened so total idiots like you who have no logical thinking abilities can understand.

A proper ELI5 post takes a complicated subject and writes an accurate explanation in an easy to understand way. They may lose rigor or sweep some technical details under the rug, but the explanation remains accurate.

This comment was WRONG. It was not a dumbed down version of a correct explanation, it was not an easy to understand answer that skipped over the complex technical details. It had two very large fundamental flaws.

One of them was that this comment used a “fact” that no one knows whether or not it’s true: that the digits of pi are distributed evenly.

The second is that this comment used something incorrect: an event with probability 0 never occurs.

This comment was not an explanation written with simplified (but whose spirit is still correct) reasons that children can understand, it was an explanation written with INCORRECT reasoning and NO validity.

Learn to think. You think like a child with no reasoning abilities. People like you are why the world is held back.

/r/explainlikeimfive Thread Parent