Email Hacked, Cant get access to my World Of Tanks. Email Provider is not working with me. proof Its my account

The issue im having is getting in contact with AOL they are impossible to contact. Ive made a ticket but i couldnt get the screenshot because i cant contact them. And my ticket was cancelled.

Change your AOL password per the What should I do if my account is compromised? link. Complete the process, and if your password can be changed, cool! That likely saves you a lot of trouble as you wouldn't need to change your email address.

If you can't change your password, take a screenshot of the page immediately after you click the "Change Password" or "Recover Account" or whatever the button is. You want a screenshot of any error message that says something like, "Your password could not be changed. Contact AOL support."

You can also try going with AOL's live chat support, and taking a screenshot if you reach like, 30 minutes waiting. Attach that screenshot to the Wargaming ticket if Wargaming support tells you to contact AOL support. This'll show that you did try to contact AOL support, to no avail.

And the only purchases i have are like the one on my post, paypal purchases.

I don't see the Paypal purchases in your OP. Per Paypal's support site, they keep your history for 3 months. To be on the safe side, I'd just add a screenshot of the oldest payment you have, as well as the most recent 5 or so.

When I need to contact a company's support, I usually find it easier to just chuck a bunch of relevant stuff at them and let them choose what they need.

I dont know my world of tanks password.

If you've got your client set to "Remember Me", you'll be fine. If you don't, you'll need to wait until your email is changed to recover your Wargaming account's password, since you'll be changing it via email.

/r/WorldofTanks Thread