The end of Season 6 has been one of my favorites - so thanks Epic

This game has always been fun as hell. There have only been about 3 total weeks that I have played this game where I did not have fun. And that's not 3 weeks straight, just add up all the crappy periods and you get about 3-5 cumulative weeks (for me anyway).

But season 6 was the worst season yet for me by a mile, for 1 reason. The lag has been terrible.

I only care about 2 things in this game; balance and optimization. I'm 90% happy with the balance and I'm not going to complain about the 10 unhappy percent. But the optimization in this game is terrible and only getting worse. That's the only thing I want fixed right now.

Can't really call it a successful season because of that. It's been fun for sure! But no more fun that the past seasons, but far more frustrating with all the lag and glitches.

/r/FortniteCompetitive Thread