Blake claims that clix griefed him in solo fncs

Blake is right in the wrong and Clix is wrong in the right.. if that makes sense.

Blake is playing end-game and doing well, is in top 10 and needs his last game to be good to confirm the top 5ish placement. It’s life changing money in his lifetime and it’s important for him.

Whereas Clix is not doing good, pocket changes for him and nothing on the line except his ego of doing well and being the best. In this case at the expense of his “friend” success which he obviously doesn’t care. This is why it’s heartbreaking for Blake.

Clix really played out the rules to play at the best of your abilities which is totally fine.. he rather kills his friends hope in order to satisfy his hunger to be the best than accepting he won’t drop a 20 bomb win to finish first... that’s pure competition right there and I respect that. Blake should just be better next time. But I understand it’s still a hard pill to swallow.

/r/FortniteCompetitive Thread