Final Fantasy XI: Nasomi Edition!

I'm not baiting anything. All I said was Five jailed a player for leveling in promyvion, which happened.

I've seen your Ls doin shit that is basically the same thing. I don't really give a fuck that you did it.

Sure, we'll take the word of a cheater on it.

At this point you'd probably say anything to derail the thread from "Black pearl LS people cheated, were caught and punished accordingly" to "Black pearl LS people are targetted by a server-wide conspiracy!!1one!", tell you what seeing you grasping at straws while foaming at the mouth is quite entertaining.

Yeah, shithead, I know YOU weren't leveling BLU. You were in town spamming @die to level down so that your friends could. Please go ahead and deny it, I already know you're going to. I know what I saw, and like I said, I don't even care that you did it.

First off, you are aware that I have access to 11 accounts (some don't even belong to Aftermath LS, it's just friends's accounts) and about twice as many characters and so does almost every other "core" member of our LS, right?

So it's not that easy to pinpoint exactly who is doing what, that being said those people never levelled BLU the way you described in your previous thread so your argument is invalid, you're just making shit up as you go cause you ran out of arguments and you're now resorting to spewing bs on legit players becaus eyou don't know any better, try harder pls, you're not very convincing.

I don't give a shit what nas says is okay and not okay. He's not the one complaining that people are going through content too fast, you are. You are the one bragging about 3 relics on a server where I have personally seen 80+ HQs drop in one run. If you wanna go RP your retail days then go do it and shut the fuck up.

more bs

If you were jelly cause my friends got me 3 relics and an assload of rare gear (the legit way too) you could've just said so from the get go, I would've simply disregarded your posts.

/r/FinalFantasy Thread Parent