Eorzean Symphony - Squares Horrible Service

Blizzard's got the best CS in the gaming business when compared to Squenix who are in the complete opposite direction and probably one of the worst that I've experienced and seen.

Not only will they try their utmost best to giving you a hand and pleasurable experience but sometimes they go even beyond the call of duty by making it up to you depending on what game you were having issues with such as more subscription time on WoW or gifting you free things amongst the rest of their games like Heroes though of course there is many variables as well such as how minor or major the issue is at hand. They even acknowledge your continued support and passion for their various games in the past like myself. Even if it may seem pointless, it gets the point across.

And what does Squenix do if your bank accidentally decides to do a charge back on mogstation? Regardless of how long you've paid and supported their game, instant ban. That seems a bit extreme for one and just outright ignorant when Squenix doesn't specificslly explain themselves unless you intervene and hope to solve the issue (had a seemingly fair bit of fellow redditors here in this sub have this happen to them).

OT: sorry to hear this happen to you OP, there's nothing I can suggest other than to continuously send tickets in for support unfortunately. I hope something can be addressed, this is really unacceptable showing how little Squenix cares for their players (Yoshi understands this but even his lone input isn't enough to 360 the CS).

/r/ffxiv Thread