Essential HTN involving RAAS

I don’t know why I would make this stuff up and if you don’t believe it, fine. But I lived it and it fucking sucked and I’m angry. I did ask my surgeon when he came in. He was under the impression that I was getting the full amount of fentynal so he prescribed low dose oxy as needed a full day after I’d been completely unmedicated. It helped but not nearly enough.

The nurse did rip out the art line. I don’t know what to tell you about that other than it did happen and she said she didn’t realize it was stitched in. I don’t know how she wouldn’t know that considering she worked on the vascular surgery floor though. I still have the scar and it is small and not a big deal but reminds me of the horror while I was there.

Every time my surgeon came to visit, a nurse was in the room with me. What could I say? I was scared. I was scared to say anything to anyone while I was there. I did tell him at my follow up and he said he’d look into it.

You can say I’m full of shit to make yourself feel better if you’d like. But everyone else knows this happens all the time and that’s why everyone hates nurses.

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