Estimated GDP cost of terrorism in the EU from 2004 to 2016

That is the problem with Portugal or Poland and others, they think because they are smaller they can easily forgot what their own involvment.

Uh, yeah, it's not a problem its a reality. Forgiving? We dont have nearly the power they have nor do we use it. We arent important or relevant enough to have a major say in the matter like they are, it's a fact. We're just subservient sheeps in NATO. Our role was small compared to other nations and it aint coming from me, but from actual people that were there and some portuguese articles i read.

I suppose ur a frenchie, but it was not just france's fault.

If you think without saying that some countries deserve it, well lets play the same game and I cannot wait for something going off in Lisbon or Warsaw as well.

He never said that those countries deserved it, but you did.

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