Train forgets to mute while getting juiced up

Jebaited or not, there is never any real discussion about drug abuse in gaming/progaming. Adderall and other stimulants affect tons of people.

Fuck it, no throwaway. I used to be addicted to Addy. And what did I use it for? Gaming. Why? Games provided me with natural dopamine rushes when I was sober. Stimulants amplify that, like crazy. It feels so good to cool things in games. EPIC SAVE, bam! Outplaying someone at Starcraft, bam! Triple kill, bam! It was awesome. And it fucking sucked. And it fucking sucked years of my life from me. And it costs me so much money. Ruined relationships. Ruined my self esteem. Ruined the feeling of just being myself. It feels so good at the time but it ruins your self worth. I know I’m not the only one. It’s rampant in gaming. It needs to stop being ignored. Why did I stop? It cost me my marriage. I turned into a piece of shit and ignored all my responsibilities chasing the next epic play.

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