Europe's Covid spike has Biden officials concerned, could lead to return of masks.

Everyone in here needs to calm down.

Llke 98% of the people in this thread are on the same side, know what works, knows decisions that have been made are a mistake.

We need to be cool to each other, especially right now.

The upside is, like almost everyone in here is using really great masks, probably instacarting for the most part. half of you have corsi-rosenthal boxes like I do.

We're going to be ok

The people that aren't. They either end up dead, or we get to pick up their gym equipment, boats, jet-skis, snowboards, whatever at a cheap price on craigslist because they can't use it anymore due to decreased lung capacity, a neurological disorder, whatever. I'm sorry but I don't give a shit what happens to those people. Honestly the sooner they fuck themselves up, the sooner this is all over.

So cool, im stocking up. Bring on the next wave. Those of you with kids. Home schooling, whatever it takes.

We're on our own. We know this. But the people in this thread. We're gonna be ok. We know what to do, we don't need CDC to tell us. We knew what to do before they did.

Us in here, we're gonna be ok.

/r/Masks4All Thread Link -