I’m confused on the purpose of veganism….

I see a lot of talk about “saving animals” but is there any proof or facts that the act of veganism is saving these animals or are they just being killed anyway due to supply and demand?

First off, the purpose or point of veganism is to change society so that humans don’t use other sentient animals as resources any more. This is a collective project, no one person can do it on their own. The idea is to get more and more people on board with the project and eventually nearly everyone. Asking about one person’s individual impact in the beginning stages of this movement misses the point entirely (though sometimes you will see these sorts of estimates thrown around, and there has been some empirical work to try and figure it out, but the economics of the question is rather complex, which isn’t helped by the fact that bourgeois economics is kinda bs anyway).

Also is there a plan if veganism does take off and make a difference in protecting the animals after companies start to need less of them, because I have a bad feeling that if those animals aren’t needed, the factories and companies that usually profit off of them won’t just kill them anyway when they’re deemed “useless”.

They way it’s most likely to play out is that, as more people decide to join veganism’s boycott of animal products — especially animal food products — the fewer domesticated animals will be brought into existence by their exploiters. If the demand is lowered, the supply will be too.

But in general, there really is no concrete plan at this point. This is mostly because the vegan movement isn’t very organized at this stage. There really isn’t a place where a plan might come from. At this stage, the vegan movement more resembles a loose collection of stray cats, all kinda doing their own thing in their isolated and alienated fashion, rather than a real, effective movement.

Again I mean no disrespect or hate, I simply want to learn If there’s any proof of these things because they’re the main things holding me back from becoming vegan. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskVegans/comments/ouckd5/im_confused_on_the_purpose_of_veganism/

There’s a few things and arguments I could give to you that focuses on your individual consumer impact. It’s a subject I was interested in for a few years. But I’m not gonna do it. And that’s because I think this individualistic, consumerist, lifestylist focus is absolutely corrosive to the vegan movement. It has to be enough that you would be part of a larger, growing thing. We stand and fall together, team work makes the dream work, etc

/r/AskVegans Thread