What is the difference between having a professor vs studying via youtube?

Our classes are online, so no office hours. But when I ask them online, they won't respond.

Here is what has happened till now.

I asked 2 questions to a teacher.

I waited for 2 weeks.

Still no reply.

Then I reminded him.

He told "Study yourself".."do it yourself" "google" "study from book" "why asking little little things to me"..

I told him that I had googled, read books, and done everything that I could do.

He responded "OK I will respond to you".

It has been 2 weeks since that. He still hasn't responded.(The reason is probably that he is scared that I will ask further questions if he answers those 2 questions) I feel like crying seeing the situation of myself. Man, this is some shit level behaviour.

Imagine having to go through a situation like this as a student. And imagine this sub, who are living in their fantasy world and blame me for putting my words out here.

I can literally do nth as he himself is a year coordinator.

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