Every Game...

If only it was just in casuals... Luckily, I don't plan to deal with it anymore since apparently I hit my weekly gold cap. But holy shit it's infuriating when someone takes your role from you even after you've locked in first, and then they immediately feed. It's even worse when you're playing support Kusa trying to keep your braindead ADC alive in lane, then the second you back because you have to, he dives in 2v1, instantly dies, and types in all chat, "pls report kusa" and proceeds to call you a retard the entire game while he's getting caught over and over because for some reason he thinks he can 1v5 them like a fucking hero. NO, YOU RETARDED FUCKING ROCKET FOX. YOU'RE SHIT AT THE GAME. STOP FEEDING THE ENEMIES MORE GOLD AND FUCKING GROUP WITH US SO WE CAN ACTUALLY KEEP YOU ALIVE LONG ENOUGH TO BE SOMEWHAT MORE USEFUL THAN AN ANT INSTEAD OF DIVING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ENEMY TEAM BY YOURSELF AND CRYING ABOUT YOUR "SHIT TEAM" WHEN YOU DIE ALONE

/r/OnmyojiArena Thread Link - i.redd.it