To all the high lvl/geared players ranting about the mosin from a low lvl player......

Ok let me tell you something, coming from one of those "spoiled brats"...I started with this game 4 weeks ago and got to 40 2 weeks after (just saying: without any carrying shit from high lvl players or smth.) I have a 17k/d and a 68% survival I guess I had smart and skilled gameplay at the beginning too and was not in need of this high lvl armor/weapon shit... Things I dislike right now is not the Mosin by itself nor the power/price of it...I dislike the gameplay of the users. Cause it's neither smart nor skilled to sit in a bush and wait for one to come along you and give you an easy headshot in your 200k helmet when you want to extract...I enjoy a good firefight with them if they are only hiding behind a tree or something in a forest...but I hate that they are just camping late spawns or extracts for you...I don't even run armor atm cause it's useless anyway. For all of the Mosinlings: Please for the sake of god just start playing the game instead of sitting in a bush for 30 minutes and wait for someone to come by...this is you can downvote me.

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