Everyone dinged from Harvard, just remember they admitted this guy...

I've read the whole book and plenty of responses. I'm not interested in a debate on the merits of it here, because honestly Murray is an intelligent asshole whose techniques and elisions and insinuations deserve more sophisticated rebuttal than the point in this thread I'm taking most issue with, which is "ideological diversity is more important than racial/sex diversity and is under attack" and how those exclamations tend to correlate, in my experience, with privilege and a certain political ideology.

The basic problem is the same as the free speech strawman. I see our society as facing far more important issues than the percent of conservatives in law school. And there's so, so many conservatives in law school. And they're often particularly loud about it. Power to them; that's their right. I still find their self-victimization annoying and distracting and insulting.

/r/lawschooladmissions Thread Parent Link - twitter.com