Study tips for 170+ by April?

Like another commenter said, buy 7Sage and get logic games down pat. You should be at a consistent -0 after getting through their course.

Based on where you currently are, I'd say 170 is a somewhat unrealistic goal in your two month timeframe. Not impossible though, so dive in and give it your best shot. I just wouldn't start envisioning your future admission results based on a 170 for now.

When it comes to practice exams, do what feels right. This is an incredibly unpopular opinion - and I don't advise it - but I took a practice exam every day for about two months. I really enjoyed taking the LSAT so this worked for me (wasn't fatigued, had plenty of time to review, no issues). This is just to say there's no right or wrong approach to practice exams, just what you find effective.

(For reference, my total study timeline was: three weeks to work through 7Sage logic games, two months of daily practice exams, then a 174 on test date.)

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