Everything is better with cake, right?

You seriously think that you belittling any point I’ve made as me crying isn’t wilful ignorance? I’ve made points from my experiences on reddit for almost 10 years as a woman about the attitude regarding marriage and relationship issues and how misogynistic attitudes are welcome here

Read down this thread and tell me that they’re not just going after a woman with a unimpressed facial expression for no reason

You haven’t even read my comments well as I’ve been talking about women being grouped into horrible things that some women do not that no women do bad things during divorce. I’ve never claimed that women don’t do bad things during divorces, where do you even get that from? I’ve said that men and women are equally at fault in divorces as a whole. Women killing dogs is not some regular occurrence but it’s been commented under comments talking about divorces and breakups like it’s the norm

“And then the wife euthanises it just to spite you” as a reply to a comment about women taking men’s dogs from them during divorces. If you don’t see an issue with sweeping statements about women concerning ends of relationships then yes you’re wilfully ignorant because you’re not even trying to understand my point, you’re just thinking I’m saying that all women are innocent which is not remotely close to my point

The woman in the post is just a woman with an unimpressed facial expression that we know nothing about

Anyway I’m out, it’s tiresome having to explain my point over and over and not even have it read

/r/comedyhomicide Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it