Everything wrong with Fyre Festival is everything wrong with this generation

Haha, lifes taught me not to kick against the pricks. They dont like it when theyre wrong and they wont be told it either. Kudos to you bro for speaking up, anyone who has attended any mass festival event knows that large numbers of people need a lot of needs met 24 hours a day and that means a shit ton more than a few celebs and a island with fucking tents on it. Tents! On a tropical island! How the hell did they think this huge event was going to get pulled off? Were the ja rule slaves going to come and work before, during and after cleaning up after thousands of people on an island? Lmao they got what they asked for. Celebrities are not organisers, they dont understand anything thats not being done for them. Only fools follow them because they think they represent something awesome, just what that is i have no idea. One things for sure tho, if im going to an island I need assurance I can get off the thing to start with and without delay! No celebrity gives a shit except that they get paid. If they want off, they command that its done and its done. Thats the only thing that matters to them, is what they want. People need to reject these greedy vain pigs en masse and forget they exist.

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