Ex-Green spokesman Alexander Van der Bellen elected Austrian President over right-winger

Yeah, I don't what's going on with us in the world running to the far right, the Front National/Le Pen in France, your own PVV/Wilders, Germany's AFD, Austria's FPO/Hofer, the Danish People's Party, the Sweden Democrats, and Golden Dawn in Greece send chills through me.

Fascism truly rubs me the wrong way on a whole other level that even my most staunch conservative opponents don't, for how it appeals to the very worst of human nature; a primitive beast in our soul that should be fought against.

And even halfway around the world in the Philippines, Duterte won their presidential election on a heavily authoritarian platform railing against the established but included prohibition, instituting curfews, and he made a joke about raping a murdered Australian missionary and makes so many crass statements as to make Trump seem polite, he'll sell the country's soul to foreign investors, and when he was a mayor before running he literally had fucking death squads in his town run amock to purge crime.

The previous Liberal government wasn't perfect by any means but they saw the Philippines make gains in many areas where a country wants to be improving. I guess people don't like the non chest thumping truth.

But anyways, I'm just a Canadian whose country fortunately hasn't succumbed to the far right. I look upon with envy at you Dutch for having such pluralistic proportional representation while we're stuck having arcane FPTP. I'm jealous at the prospect of being a swing voter between Labour, Democrats 66, the Greens, or the Socialists. If there's any solace against the far right's rise, it's that in your system they'll actually have to convince a broad group of people, 50%+1, to go along with their hate in order to get exclusive control, thanks to proportional representation.

/r/GreenParty Thread Parent Link - bbc.com