[F4A] The kiddy snatcher.

I’d been fantasizing about it for ages and now I’d decided the time was right.

I’d bought a house in Hereford, a couple of miles outside a small village and half a mile from the nearest neighbor. I spent a month preparing for my chosen playmate. I’d made the cellar secure with a reinforced door and strong locks and furnished it with a double bed that I’d chosen for it’s robust metal frame, suitable for attaching restraints to and a padded table with stirrups and leather ties for feet and hands. I had installed new lighting that would have done an operating theater proud and I’d bought some good quality photographic equipment. I had also mounted an array of torture instruments on the wall in full view of the table.

I had chosen my victim after visiting Hereford itself two months after I first moved to the area. I’d seen a young girl stood at a bus stop, alone, on one of the rural bus routes that connected the outlying villages to the main town. She was wearing her school uniform, obviously waiting to get the bus to school. She was a petite little blond with long hair; she was about thirteen or fourteen years old and had a pretty face and a nice little figure. Her school uniform consisted of a white blouse with a green jumper, a green jacket, a green skirt worn with the hem a little above the knee, white knee high socks and low heeled black shoes. She was a delightful little creature and my loins ached at the thought of what I would like to do to her. As I was now living alone, with no attachments, I decided there and then that instead of simply imagining what I would like to do to her, I would actually do it.

I was most nervous about the abduction itself, however I had observed the bus stop from a hidden location on a hill overlooking the road several times and I knew that she was always alone waiting for the school bus from 08:20 in the morning and that the bus arrived at 08:30, or maybe a couple of minutes later, never earlier. The road was very infrequently used and other traffic was virtually non-existent. I decided that I would simply abduct her from the bus stop.

I bought a reliable used car and kept it parked in my garage until I needed it. I didn’t want to use my usual car in case anything went wrong. I chose a Monday as the day that I would take her. The start of a new week seemed appropriate and I readied everything on the Sunday.

On the actual day of the abduction I turn out to be very nervous and I drive carefully, as I don’t want to draw attention to myself. Once I get onto the rural road that passes the village where the girl waits at the bus stop, I see no other traffic at all. I drive up to the bus stop where she stands, lean over, and open the passenger side door and speak to her.

“Hello love, I wonder if you could help me, I’m a bit lost. I’m trying to find Willow Tree Farm” I say in my friendliest voice.

/r/AgeplayPenPals Thread