Failed for 3rd time

I failed it once, and passed it on the second time. I can say that this exam is no joke. A lot of people feel devastated for not passing this and I understand but please don’t let this exam define you or your intelligence. Quite frankly I feel dumber now that I passed it. I certainly am not proud of it, for me it’s not something to be proud about, it’s a test meant to trick you, and it’s not straight forward, it robbed me of so much time, and energy. Plus it’s not like having a CFA CFP or something meaningful. I would recommend you do this: read the book slowly during your time off, watch the Brian Lee Videos, and do all the questions again. Hire a tutor but have a list of things you don’t understand to maximize the time with that tutor so you don’t pay 150.00 dollars an hour for 20 hours lol tell them talk fast! Lol kidding

But good luck to you !

/r/Series66Exam Thread