Fallout 4 is Beautiful. fuck off.

How is this even on the front page, what a disaster. Be more of an Bethesda apologist please, gamebryo is an absolute shit show of an engine. In conclusion your post should be removed for shit posting, its riddled with contradictions.

I completely agree that gamebryo is a clunky engine. I still, along with millions of other people, found enjoyment in the games that ran on gamebryo. I think many people have found enjoyment in flawed things, I don't see what is wrong with that.

"The textures are high resolution, the lighting is amazing, and the colors look really nice." "Fallout & ES games have never had groundbreaking vanilla graphics, even for their time they looked ok."

I'm not sure if you think this is a contradiction but to clear things up the first statement is referring to Fallout 4 and the other is to obviously older Bethesda titles.

Can I just reiterate that you said you'd be okay with the game being on gamebryo despite the next gen consoles

I stand by that, If Fallout 4 ran on the FO3 or FNV gamebryo engine I would still want to play the game. I don't see why I shouldn't feel that way when some of my favorite games have ran off of gamebryo. People make 8-bit mario games today because they enjoy them not because 8-bit games are flawless. I understand that there are standards for a 2015 RPG and I think Bethesda did a great job for the most part. It's still just a trailer and hard say anything for sure about how the engine will feel & perform.

Oh lord, this makes me, lets just focus on the keyword anyway. Such a damaging opinion to have. Hey game companies you can make your games riddled with bugs and fundamentally broken because some modder will use vast amounts of time fixing your mistakes.

I could of worded that better saying, "Mods will keep the game up to date for the years to come". I wasn't talking about Mods doing the devs work on release date. Your confusion is my fault and I'll probably edit that to get my point across clearer.

I'm struggling to see any contradictions and I feel like I cleared everything up on your last point. I enjoyed the gamebryo despite it's flaws you obviously didn't. So I guess it's just opinion vs opinion which is pointless to argue over.

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