Family of 5 moving to Malaga and looking for schools

As someone from Spain who studied and worked and now got back to Malaga. I would not recommend moving here if you are looking for a hussle free cheaper option. Málaga is getting ridiculously expensive. The burocracy involved with literally anything that has to do with the government is nerve-wracking, and barely ever you will find someone competent to help you. I could start with the amount of things that will feel like absolutely ridiculous hassles, but truly, I am quite fed up myself to even start. Recognition of foreign degrees Changing your driving licenses Getting a work visa Registration for absolutely anything is far more complicated than it needs to be and will ALWAYS be in Spanish with little to no help if you can't fluently speak the language.

Safe yourself some trouble and see into moving to the Netherlands, which is way more family friendly and offers a good number of tax reductions for expats like the 30% tax rule. Schools are better, kids get used to cycling to schools, and towns are super safe.

Those are my two cents. The Netherlands is just a better country and with way better opportunities for English speaking people.

Good luck!

/r/Malaga Thread