Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - Reality Check

I got downvoted on that post for saying

“I’m going to bet SCOTUS rules that 1. The shareholders aren’t owed shit (based on Judge Roberts comments to that) 2. The FHFA is in violation of the constitution (checks and balances) 3. The FHFA and the treasury did not have legal authority to enact the 2012 deal 4. That items 2&3 will be rectified, but the conservatorship will remain in place That being said, I’m still buying Fannie and Freddie tomorrow morning.”

I just totally don’t believe this hype pumping that scotus is going to go “you’re completely free now! Spread your wings and fly to the moon!” It just delusional thinking. The FHFA is a monster that will never go away. The government doesn’t just create something that lucrative and give it all up at once for the public. Baby steps.

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