Female who identifies with masculinity would like a relationship with a more feminine male; can I follow TRP to build my ideal relationship dynamic?

I have always felt more like a man in terms of my brain and behavior.

Promiscuity written all over it. Might be a reason why you have not found a Man - submissive or dominant - who has committed to you long-term. This might sound like I'm trying to be an asshole, or a mysogonist, or whatever... but this:

Female who identifies with masculinity


I am comfortable as a woman, so I do not believe I am really a transsexual, especially as I am attracted to men

are extremely contradicting.

This creates incongruence and makes you come off as extremely non-genuine and fake to people.

You cannot be comfortable as a (masculine) woman and be attracted to feminine MEN for lovemaking. Those are orbiters. When you blurt out "I am a strong, masculine woman and I am dominant. I only like feminine Men who submit," you are most liekly subconsciously (or maybe consciously...) testing the boundaries and fortitude of Men you're interested in, to see if they actually submit to you, or out-masculine you and conquer you.

I'm willing to bet you've never actually slept with a submissive, feminine guy before in your life. My reasoning:

Is there any argument against me using TRP strategy on men to pursue the relationship dynamic I have always wanted?

If you were truly into feminine guys for lovemaking/LTR, which there is a plethora of nowadays who fit your exact bill, hence why Game/TRP/charm works so well and makes real masculine Men stand out, you'd already have a slave by 23 already and you wouldn't be posting this thread asking for advice. At the very least, the first guy you found that fit the bill you would have kept him around, even til now, not broke it off. Even if you did, you would replace him very quick. It's highly unlikely a feminine/submissive guy would break anything off since it wouldn't be in his "nature" to do so.

So my advice, drop the whole "I'm a masculine woman who is comfortable being a woman" thing, because it makes no sense, stick to be whatever is it you feel best as - man or woman - and then carry yourself accordingly. Be congruent. This creates a genuine you. Because right now, you're simply not genuine.

Hope this helps, and I truly do wish you the best.


/r/asktrp Thread