"As a Feminist, modern Feminism is stupid!"

But a lot of feminists have shy'd away from modern feminism. Or "3rd wave". I grew up in a house with a feminist older sister. She taught me a ton of shit. Mind you, my dad is from Iran. Those people are fucked up. My mom is from a redneck family. Those people are fucked up. Without my sister's feminist teachings, I'd have likely been fucked up and thought the same way as my parents did. But my sister taught me all about women's rights, equality among races, equality for LGBT individuals, etc. Even equality for straight, white males. She would tell me that it's wrong for a woman to use her sexuality as leverage, where as 3rd wave feminists would call that "empowerment". EQUALITY".

With all that being said, most of my life, I considered myself a feminist. But about 2 years ago when I started seeing all this shit from tumblr, and I started seeing all this insane shit about the patriarchy and all that, I completely abandoned the label because I don't want anyone associating me with those people. Now, I call myself an egalitarian. Much like most feminists who didn't want to be associated with men hating, hypocritical caricatures of what's supposedly feminism.

I've done the same thing with Atheism. When I was really young, I was taught that religion was all bullshit. So until I was about 18, I called myself an Atheist. Then I noticed a trend of all these new Atheists on the internet being complete shitty assholes to everyone. Going around shoving their shit down people's throats, chiming in with their bullshit when no one asked, etc. Another label I dropped. I don't like telling people I'm an Atheist because I don't want to be associated with those types either. I used to just say "I'm not anything. moving on". But now I'm telling people I'm a Satanist. LaVeyan Satanism is just Atheism anyway.

tl;dr You can't just read his post and think 'This is just some red-piller employing the 'as a black man' technique'. Because with feminism more than anything else, if someone is putting it down while claiming to be an ex-feminist, there's a pretty high chance that they're actually telling the truth.

/r/AsABlackMan Thread Link - np.reddit.com