A Few Simple Changes to Greatly Improve PvP

I see you're admitting I was right here

On what? how the laser sight reducing recoil was bs in the first place? I never argued you were wrong, there's nothing to admit.

I might find some wanderers collecting resources and accidentally alert them of my location with the laser sight

That will literally NEVER happen. They will NOT be able to notice your laser during the day.

No point in having a laser sight on during the day in anything but a close-range situation.

No, it's best to have it on all the time because it reduces recoil. Unless you're implying the version of the laser sight where it doesn't reduce recoil.

It's "wrong" that the laser sight is turned off when holstered? Really? I'm pretty sure I've already logically and realistically explained why leaving the laser sight on when it's holstered is actually wrong, and I've already outlined the stipulations and conditions under which that doesn't matter.

You take your gun out. You turn on the laser sight. You holster it. You take it back out, and it's off all of a sudden. You said how this could be explained based on realism but there is nothing that insinuates this. Even if there was an animation that did, it would still be an awful gameplay mechanic.

Do you actually think there are more times where you'd want it OFF rather than ON? You've already displayed you're an awful player clear as day for even arguing this bug, but fuck man if you think even this is true, then you're just retarded,

Jesus christ man you're like the embodiment of a brick wall. Nothing gets through.

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