finding centre of a Hendecagon

To find the center of a hendecagon, follow these steps:

  1. Draw the hendecagon: Draw a rough sketch of the hendecagon and label its vertices as A, B, C, ..., K.
  2. Draw the diagonals: Draw all the possible diagonals of the hendecagon from one vertex to another. This will create smaller triangles within the hendecagon.
  3. Find the intersection point: The center of the hendecagon is the intersection point of all the diagonals that were drawn in Step 2. This point is called the circumcenter of the hendecagon.
  4. Mark the center: Once you find the intersection point, mark it as the center of the hendecagon.

Note: It is not always easy to find the exact intersection point of all the diagonals, especially by hand. In such cases, using a compass and a straightedge is helpful.

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