Finn Jones hits back at the negative reviews of Marvel's Iron Fist

Except that is what happened. The movie is everything that critics and audiences alike lambast constantly - a generic, soulless, corporate product packaged solely to make a paycheck and not because anyone involved truly wanted to tell the story. There's accounts online of other execs in the running to make the movie before Paul Feig flexed his clout and took the project because his stunt casting gimmick made him such a "maverick" choice. Go watch a bunch of the video reviews and count how many avoid talking about the SJW hysteria. Or go read the copypasta comment that gathers a not insignificant group of extremely positive reviews and shows articles from those same reviewers rallying the SJW cause weeks beforehand. Or go watch the video that a comedian put up where he dissects the movies side by side and explains why the old one worked and the new one didn't. Or look through the plethora of Marvel hating hipster comments who constantly complain about faceless army/sky beam third acts and reconcile that with Ghostbusters getting 73%.

It's a shit movie. It was not reviewed honestly. Pretending it was is either ignorance or flat out lying.

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