First Poll out in Cotton/Harrington Senate race. Harrington behind but outperforming Mark Pryor's 2014 bid with many undecided

Many of the problems in our healthcare system are due to inefficiencies caused by over-regulation and protectionist policies that discourage competition and protect the largest providers from price-cutting competition.

Yeah... uh... I was on board until that. Seems way easier to just do what the most of the developed world did decades ago and cut the price-inflating middlemen/insurance out entirely instead of hoping some new-name company will pop up out of nowhere and fix all of our problems instead of just becoming another one.


Reduce Legal Overhead. Repeal all non-essential cost driving regulation, including drug research, without reducing safety or efficacy.

That needs to be heavily elaborated on. If that means tax money shouldn't be handed out to R&D companies just so they can patent the drug they barely even paid to develop and charge us out the ass for it later, okay, good plan.
If that means removing the need to actually research whether or not a drug will fuck you up with side-effects before selling it... no, very bad. Without more detail, I'd also worry it refers to requiring drugs to be tested on more demographics than just 'caucasian male, age 20-27.'

Reduce the Tax Burden. Support budgets that allow for lower levels of taxation, allowing American citizens to keep more of what they earn.

Fuck no. The emphasis should be actually making the rich pay more than $750 in taxes and reducing unnecessary spending on war, not slashing taxes when we're already in massive debt and have godawful infrastructure. If there's enough of a budget surplus after that, by all means, lower taxes on the middle and lower class. But not before then and especially not by killing social spending.

Our actions have real measurable effects on our environment. Making money should not be placed above our responsibility to protect the natural resources for future generations. I encourage all people to do their part to reduce pollution and engage in conservation.

Individual action will have little to no impact on this and placing blame on the average person for the actions of corporations is useless. This is as good as saying his stance is 'eh. whatever happens, happens.' Hard pass. 90% of the population won't care to actually change things themselves until time's already up to do anything. Never mind the instances where people flat-out can't fix something on their own; are we supposed to build and maintain our own train stations and railroads instead of driving to work? Pave our own bicycling lanes? Open our own recycling facilities?

I'm super open to being corrected here, because fuck tom cotton and I'd like to have someone else to vote for, but (at first glance, from someone who's never heard of the guy before) the policies on his website just sound like a different brand of bad.

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