Flash back to better days!

I have a friend who is overweight and some of the comments remind me a bit of what she told me once. To clarify, my friend's BMI puts her in the overweight category. This is not a subjective judgement by me because she isn't the same size as LaLa or Ariana and she happens to be goreous. For all the years I have known her she has had an actove dating life or been in a relationship. She told me that people are often surprised by this- they can't comprehend someone who is overweight, attractive to the opposite sex, has healthy self-esteem and doesn't spend every minute of her life wishing she were thin.

Katie is not overweight and I mention this about my friend because I think it is misguided and unhealthy to assume everyone is happier if they are thinner. It's glaringly obvious Katie is miserable. I don't think she has ever been secure or had high self-esteem. She mentioned early on in season 2 how deeply she hates herself. I think it's highly possible that Katie spends more time worrying about her husband who has cheated on her multiple times and appears to have a serious drinking problem and possibly more.

I'm not really interested in a season in which Katie loses a ton of weight and her story revolves around being hot and how Scwartz is so attracted to her again if she remains a spiteful bitch. Schwartz cheated on Katie when she was thin and he will if she becomes thin again.I would like to see her confronted about how she treats people, do something about her mess of a marriage and do some work on herself. I would prefer this to happen off camera as well.

/r/vanderpumprules Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it