For people looking for cards in the UK

Hi guys, just to provide some clarity on the recent price changes on, we'd love to be able to be selling these at our usual lower price, but our main UK suppliers have been completely out of stock for several weeks now - pretty inconvenient for a game that's brand new to the UK and we'd love to be drumming up interest for.

Instead, the only place we can find that still has booster boxes to distribute to us is based in Germany and costs us a lot more to ship in. So we're faced with a dilemma - have this game completely out of stock for an indefinite amount of time, or get in some boxes that cost us more and temporarily increase the price.

As soon as our main UK based supplier gets a new shipment in, we'll be dropping the price on these back down, but unfortunately the costs involved in getting these shipped in limited numbers from Germany at the moment means we have to be selling them at a higher price point than normal, we'd be making a loss if we were selling them for much less.

Hope that clears things up a bit guys, we're not just being greedy with the pricing on these, we've simply adjusted the price based on how much they're costing us to get in at the moment. If you'd like to be kept informed as to when we'll get a proper, cheaper restock, please get in touch via our facebook or website.

/r/FinalFantasyTCG Thread