For those that think homosexuality is a choice, when did you choose to be straight?

OK let’s make a couple of definitions just for argument purposes. We can debate these defs if you so desire, but that’s not fun if you ask me (as they’re already pretty hotly debated :p)


Scripture/the Bible/God’s Word will be used interchangeably, and for this argument I will define them as the 66 books. I will not include the (apocrypha)[] in my arguments as frankly, I only know some of the stories, and none of the Theology. Scripture contains two “halves” known as the Old Testament, the first 39 books, and the New Testament, the last 27 books.

A Book of scripture is the commonly referred to name for epistles/writings/musings/poetry of the Authors of scripture.

Authors: the dudes who wrote the books. Whether they be human, divine, or some combination thereof is left as an exercise for the reader.

God (exists and) is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, immutable and just

Just: God is the “ultimate, perfect judge”. Which means that he has the final say about our eternal destination. He judges Man’s actions with 100% consistency and 0 error. He does this by calculating our Sins (definition incoming!) and doling out a sentence based on the results.

Man: Us! This one’s easy. No cultural or scientific definition gender implied! I simply don’t want to type out Human, Person, etc.

Sin is anything that contradicts any of God’s specific commands, laid out in New Testament scripture. This argument will not be going into the fulfillment of the Old Testament Law and what that means to “most” Christians. For our purposes, and unless specifically noted, I will be using the NT (new testament) rules only for my definition of Sin. OT sin was a very complicated and commonly misunderstood thing. In fact, if you do your research: the entire purpose of the Old Testament is to demonstrate that God is perfect and Man can’t possibly keep 100% of the law. It’s a lot less of a guide to life than typical Christians make it out to be. However, the interpretation of the OT is so crucial to Christian faith, that you can’t merely throw it out. Plus, it’s got a lot of good stories at the very least (very violent, gruesome and strange: Game of Thrones has nothing on the Bible people)

Homosexuality, “gayness” - sorry for my insensitivity here I’m just using words, whatever-ness is the practice of two (or more) members of the same sex participating in any culturally-commonly held sexual practices. Do I need to list them? Lol…

Choice: a decision made by Man to either contradict God’s commands (sin) or fulfill them (not sin?). Interesting sidebar: can you mathematically prove (within this framework) that all actions are either a sin, or not? It’d be an interesting question I think.

Hell: eternal damnation, lake of fire, burning garbage pit (an actual, literal interpretation of one of the words used for Hell in the OT) is the place you go when you die if you do not meet God’s Standards

Heaven: opposite of Hell, good place to go when you die, you get here if you committed 0 Sins.

God’s Standards: Perfection, 0 Sin, never once committing one Sin.


The sentence for 1 Sin is an eternity in “Hell”

I need to make one final assumption to answer your question (this is NOT my belief. I do NOT YET KNOW my personal belief on this EXTREMELY COMPLICATED issue). I am simply arguing from the standpoint of an agreed upon set of definitions and assumptions.

Assumption: Engaging in an act of Homosexuality is Sin.

Question: Is Homosexuality a choice?

Well, let me answer your question with this question: If the eternal punishment for Sin is Hell, then could a Man theoretically avoid Hell if he never sinned?. If God is the perfect judge, and we define him as such, how could he NOT let you into Heaven given his attributes.

/r/DebateReligion Thread