For when Luke goes live! Let’s chat and give people something for when they miss it!

Honestly props to werewolf for having the change of heart because that takes guts to come out and say especially after what’s been said in the past. idk why you guys are being so cruel toward them when they have been so active in this community and consider you friends. Am I missing part of this story?? Let people have their own feelings for whatever reason they have! I feel so bad about their cousin who was killed and that can def put things into perspective. I’ve always cared for the people who associate with Luke because many are just trying to be a friend and help and agree some people here have been overly rude about Anne Marie. I think she has a good heart and just hope Luke doesn’t hurt her and treats her the way she’s deserves cause she’s done a lot for him when she didn’t need to. She really made him a happier person when it seemed like he was really spiraling/struggling mentally before. Yes Luke gets too lopey on meds and scams people out of money so he doesn’t have to work but I care that he gets help so that’s why I’m here. He does have legit medical problems and yes maybe there’s more he could do to try to work but dealing with this stuff is a huge physical and mental battle something new to him the last few years. We don’t need to have soo much hatred towards him and anyone who tries to be a friend toward him in his struggles. Kick me out too if you want but werewolf if you’re still here props to being you and following your heart! It’s true we don’t know everyone’s full story and many here are too quick to attack/assume the absolute worst of literally anyone who isn’t Tricia when our goal should be to help how we can or fix the issue at hand, not wish people hell or say they deserve to be picked apart just for being on social media. Juggling chronic illness is enough on its own without all the hate, I respect those putting themselves out there to try to make a difference for those that are going this battle.

/r/LukeWilber Thread