Formal Endorsement of Donald Trump

So...I'm talking to valentine strasser.

Ok then. Ahem. "The human rights group Amnesty International in May called for the British government to investigate allegations of torture against the former NPRC leader, and accused his troops of "torture, ill treatment and arbitrary killings of unarmed civilians" while passing themselves off as RUF fighters. "Strasser's people were responsible for, among other things, torture of political opponents," an Amnesty International spokesman said. "The government has a responsibility to investigate because torture committed anywhere is a crime under U.K. law." Strasser, however, dismissed the allegations. "How can you say the claims Amnesty International is making are justified?," he asked. "They know it is the Revolutionary United Front that has been responsible for those abuses and violations." He also rejected criticism of the NPRC's execution of 26 political opponents, eight months after he took power. "They were tried, they were prosecuted, they were convicted, they were sentenced," he told the Sunday Times."

Killing unarmed civilians while pretending to be the RUF? you are a murderous dictator. Executing political opponents? You would be the first to die if you attempted to seize power in a country like our. You are filth. I realize you were young but that's no excuse. You and others like you are responsible for destroying or failing to improve the lives of millions.

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