Unreal that kc is in ranked again

I’ve been playing this game since day one. I’m in masters. I’ve been a pred since season 3. All this to say I’m pretty good at the game and my opinions holds some weight in regards to what’s wrong/can be better. Kings canyon is the worst map in the game. They just released arguably the best one and they had it in ranked rotation for 45 days. It’s been out of rotation for 45, and then it’s gonna be 90 more until we see it again, and that’s only if it’s the first one in the split. I agree with you that change is good. Which is why I want to play the new map. Absolutely no one who is in the higher ranks wants king canyon. It’s awful. And removing things from the game instead of adding them, such as weapons isn’t a change for the better. Maybe you should try to see things from a different perspective and realize that most, not all, people who are complaining about this map and the weapons are doing so because they realize how bad it is for the game.

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