Free Talk Wednesday - April 12, 2023

“Confession time: Clocking 30 and I have only dated one Woman and Never Tasted Pizza. Am I missing out? .Anyone Else with a Confession To Make?

I just saw a comment of a guy saying he had 100 plus body count and it made me wander if am missing out.. I have also made an observation that most of the people in this sub have been experimenting with many sexual fantasies like partner switching and what have you. Personally I have only dated one woman and that was back then. To be precise we dated from 2015-2018.Since then I have never dated nor had sexual relations up to date. This is partly because I am an introvert and because I suffer from extreme social anxiety. If that girl hadn't approached me I'm sure I would still be a virgin at 29

Secondly, I have never tasted Pizza in my 29 years of living. The main reason for this is because I cant afford it. I am an only son from a single parenthood family and my mom isn't employed apart from some tukibarua here and there, so I try my best to budget everything so that both of us are able to survive. So, I have never had some spare cash leave alone the money I set aside for vegetables.

Enough about me. Are there Confessions that you guys would like to make?.”

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