Is freelancing in Salmon Run just a waste of time if you want to rank up?

i've spent the last 2 months going back and forth from the beginning of profreshional to about 140 or so. always seem to lose as much pay grade as i make or maybe 20 points one way or the other. really pissing me off as i'd like to rank up so that i don't have to play as many games cause i really do not find myself enjoying it at all.

like i'm not a very good player so i probably don't deserve to be profresh 400 or something but between people doing dumb things even in lower profresh to losing 1 person to a DC and getting overwhelmed (oh we need 3 less eggs? doesn't matter if we all die) it's getting really frustrating.

of course the easy solution is to not play salmon run but no other mode has any kind of reward structure to it. want money? you get a pitiful amount from turf war or ranked even if you win, hardly anything at all for a loss, or you can get tons of money from salmon run. want chunks? well you can ignore salmon run and just scrub gear, but scrubbing gear needs lots of money so you're stuck doing salmon run again. want food/drink tickets? mindlessly grind single player levels over and over or do salmon run...literally can not get the those things from turf war or ranked.

all i want to do is make gear and play ranked, but i really resent having to play salmon run to make any kind of progress on that 1st one.

/r/Splatoon_2 Thread